Our Services

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Our Treatment Options

Comprehensive Eye Exams

A comprehensive eye exam assesses vision and eye health, crucial for detecting eye conditions and evaluating the need for glasses or contacts. It is particularly vital for individuals with diabetes and family history of eye diseases. Exams typically involve pupil dilation, providing a thorough evaluation of the internal portion of the eye.


Cataract is a clouding of the lens in the eye. It is often age-related, but can also be caused by conditions such as diabetes, ocular injuries, and prolonged use of steroid medications. Common symptoms: blurry vision, light and glare sensitivity, and decreased vision at night. Cataract surgery is a common outpatient surgery performed when vision loss affects daily activities of living. There are many intraocular lens options to improve vision, such as LAL.

Light Adjustable Lens (LAL)

LAL, an intraocular lens implant that allows your vision to be customized and refined after cataract surgery. The technology enhances cataract surgery by allowing post-operative vision customization through targeted light treatments performed in-office. This enables precise vision adjustments and a final 'locking in' of lens settings. This offers a tailored approach to vision correction. To learn more visit www.rxsight.com/patients.

Dry Eye

Dry eye disease, or ocular surface disease, is a common under-treated condition that can affect vision and quality of life.

Common symptoms include burning, redness, grittiness, excessive tearing, and fluctuations in vision. Dry eye symptoms can range from mild to severe. Schedule and evaluation for an individualized treatment plan.

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)

IPL therapy is a safe, drug-free, effective treatment for dry eye syndrome, particularly when linked to inflammation. This non-invasive technique uses broad-spectrum light pulses to unclog oil glands, reduce eyelid inflammation, stimulate collagen, improve tear function and quality, and decrease bacterial load on eyelids (blepharitis). IPL is also effective in treating styes! To learn more, click here.

Cornea and External Disease

Cornea is the clear protective covering in front of the eye. Corneal diseases such as keratoconus, Fuch’s dystrophy, and pterygium, can cause discomfort and visual changes. Common external conditions are conjunctival and corneal abrasions, foreign bodies, skin tags, and cysts. Treatments range from medications, in-office procedures, and corneal surgeries.

Macular Degeneration

Age related macular degeneration is a disease that impairs central vision The two types are: dry and wet. Dry begins with drusen deposits. Wet means abnormal blood vessel can develop and leak blood or fluid into the macula, which can lead to rapid vision loss. There is no cure and many people don’t have symptoms in early stages, so early detection is key. Early treatment can slow progression.

Retinal Detachment

Retinal detachment is an emergency situation where thin tissue pulls away from its natural position in the eye. Common symptoms are sudden flashes of light, many new floaters at once, shadows in peripheral vision, or curtain covering parts of your visual field. Vision loss may occur if not treated promptly.


Glaucoma is a disease of optic nerve damage, primarily caused by increased intraocular pressure. Damage to the optic nerve can cause permanent vision loss if not treated. Because there is no cure for glaucoma, early detection and consistent monitoring is crucial to prevent vision loss. Treatments include pressure lowering eyedrops and surgery.

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4400 N 32nd St #280, Phoenix, AZ 85018


(602) 266-6888

(602) 266-6895